Don’t forget to bring your discount voucher if you purchased your caravan with us. You’ll save some extra money..

We sell everything you need to start your caravan ownership journey.

Everything from Aqua rolls, waste masters and Loo Chemicals, though to security products such as hitch locks and wheel clamps? Open as per our usual opening hours.

Starter kits


We offer special deals on starter kits for those buying either a new or pre owned caravan. Look out for the special deals if you buy your caravan from us!

Powrtouch Motor Mover

We are a proud provider of Powrtouch Evolution motor movers. Fitted with love.

Avtex Tv’s

We also sell caravan televisions by Avtex. We have some available to view and our team can help you choose the best one for your needs.


At Blackmore Vale Leisure we are committed to providing our customers with everything they need to enjoy their caravanning experience and have selected manufactures that we trust for your new awnings. We also have pre-owned awnings in stock in our caravan accessory shop, or call  and ask one of our friendly team with your specifications – all our awnings are checked so you can buy with confidence.
